Into Food Space 10
With Joseph Simcox the Botanical Explorer
The entire food world is anxiously awaiting the publication of the long-anticipated Into Food Space by Joseph. With nearly forty years of effort behind this book, some 500 international expeditions, 125+ countries visited, and over 10,000 species of edible plants eaten, Joseph Simcox is, without doubt, one of the most experienced foragers on the planet.
This opus, “Into Food Space,” is a sensuous and passionate invitation to voyage into the forgotten universe of our ancestors. Food plants that long ago allowed man to flourish and conquer the planet are now rarely considered even by local populations that still know of them. The fact that humans once thrived on these plants for nutrition dramatizes the importance of incorporating them into our food paradigms of tomorrow. Joseph has teamed up with daring designer/creator Andreas Düren of Augsburg’s m+ media to create a masterpiece that is as evocative of nature’s bounty as it is of the people who still use them.
672 pages, over 250 full-page spreads, dozens of indigenous portraits, anecdotes, poetry, descriptions, and reflections. Mattoid Press, Augsburg, Germany